Small Foot Movie Trailer

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Hey! Everyone! Listen, . round. Okay. I saw a . It came at me from the sky. It a sound like... Go, ! And then, bam! And that's when it and I was like... Then I it. A creature I had only heard existed in legend. Look at your small . Oh, my gosh! It's a Smallfoot! Oh no! ! - No, you didn't. - Yeah, I . No. I did. No. I saw it. It doesn't . Can't this story and tell the truth. I am telling the . We you. to the S.E.S. , Smallfoot Exists, Suckas! We have been collecting of the Smallfoot's existence. Behold, the scroll of wisdom. Imagine them amazing stuff they here. This nothing! Look, I what I saw. And I'm gonna prove it! ! Ah, he's . Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. Oh, . Oh, wowness Wow. There it is . I should myself. Hi. I'm... It's a . It's a yeti. It's a yeti. Oh. you. You're . Uh, Smallfoot? Oh, That suppose to like that?

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